Sunday, February 17, 2013

Wonderful Elizabeth Warren, Senator #2

A new plea has just come in from Sen. Elizabeth Warren.  As you may know, she was the creator of the idea for a much-needed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  She managed to get that passed, but she was blocked by benighted Republicans from being the head of it - which is why she ran for Senate.

Now she's asking for our help: 

"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau we worked so hard to create is pushing back on big banks, but the Senate Republicans are blocking a vote on the nomination of my friend Richard Cordray to be its permanent Director. We need to demand that Rich Cordray gets an up-or-down vote.

Why are the Senate Republicans blocking a vote on Rich Cordray? Just take a look at what the agency has done so far.

The CFPB has already forced the credit card companies to return nearly half a billion dollars that they had cheated from consumers. The agency is helping students get better information about student loans and has a hotline to help consumers get back money when they have been cheated. And the agency has put out new rules on mortgages that will protect families and level the playing field between small financial institutions like community banks and credit unions and larger ones.

In other words, the agency is starting to work.

But for two years, Senate Republicans have held Richard Cordray hostage, saying they will block any vote on Director unless the Senate Democrats agree to weaken the agency and limit its ability to hold the big banks and credit card companies accountable.

They don't want to see strong enforcement of our laws, plain and simple.

It took hundreds of thousands of people across the country fighting for an up-or-down vote to get a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau -- and now it's going to take hundreds of thousands of people fighting to get Rich Cordray confirmed.

This week, I joined Senators Tim Johnson of South Dakota, Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Sherrod Brown of Ohio to call for an up-or-down vote on Rich Cordray. I'm going to keep on fighting each and every day until he gets a vote.

Will you help us keep fighting to level the playing field for working families? Sign my petition to demand an up-or-down vote for Rich Cordray now.

Thank you for putting the wind in our sails to keep fighting. This is how we bring real change -- we do it together.


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