Friday, December 6, 2013


Welcome to my Blog, The War On The 60s! - currently scoring record numbers of hits, thankyou very much!

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The birth of the Trendies: boutiques in Carnaby Street, London, in the 1960s; with the Post-War austerity finally over, young people now had massive spending power. (I'm pretty sure the bike in the foreground is a Triumph...)

"The War On The 60s" is the title of a book which I'm proposing to write.  The title is fairly evocative, I hope! - but let me explain a little more.
Ever since the 1960s happened, the “turbulent”, “sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll”, “We don't want your stinking war” decade has had a bad rap. “The War on The 60s” has ranged from verbal propaganda to actions that are not only sinister, but threaten our fundamental principles as a society.

This book I hope will help explain the 60s to the new young idealists, and perhaps remind those who shared the experience, what was so unique, beautiful and valuable about it - so good that it's been under attack ever since.

To those who dislike the 60s, it will help them to see that the period actually represented much of what is best in our humanity, with a magnificent heritage including the environmental movement, our first Black President and our first woman Secretary of State.

Then I hope you'll agree that “It’s time for a new 60s!”

Peace and Love,

Richard Lancaster.

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