Friday, July 11, 2014

God must have cured me

Speaking of God, and divine intervention generally, I've just discovered that I never posted this, which I wrote in March to explain my Blog-silence....

"Sorry, folks and faithful readers, I am still sick with the mystery infection that started before Christmas, and which in my innocence I called flu.  I'm getting stronger day by day, and hope to be back to my usual energy-level.... some time.

"In the meantime, here's a lil something for your delight - "

As it turned out, I didn't return to the land of the almost-living until April, and didn't get back to full energy-levels until the end of April.  The Doctors never did figure out what was wrong; best guess was "a bacterial infection in the blood".  The blood was chosen because they couldn't find any other location.

So God must have cured me.

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