Monday, March 4, 2013

Don't Call Me a Radical!

I'm an Abraham Lincoln Republican....

As a child of the 60s, I'm for freedom and fulfillment; and I'm a Lincoln Republican - a seeker of Government of the people, by the people, and above all, for the people.

As you might imagine, I've run up against my share of “Conservatives” in the course of researching my book, "The War On The 60s". You probably have too. The kind of people who have no interest in listening to anything you have to say, only in shooting it down, preferably before you've had time to even get the words out. People who reject any change without a moment's consideration, and who habitually “shoot the messenger” rather than debate his ideas. One of their favorite tricks, I've found, is to assume they know what you think, and attack that, rather than waiting to find out what you actually have to say.

Does this sound familiar at all?

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