Saturday, March 30, 2013

Go To A Movie, Indict Dick Cheney

On February 20th, I wrote a piece in this very place, entitled "Shamefully Shallow:  Zero Dark Thirty".  (For your convenience, I've moved it up to the next position, below.)

There's an alternative celluloid vision, which would be great to see at our local Picture Palaces across the country.

As the folks at PeaceTeam point out:
"We all know there was [a] film out recently glorifying torture and making the case that torture was good and necessary to find Bin Laden, nothing but CIA propaganda dressed up in a flashy Hollywood package. Do you want to see more films like that made? Or do you want to see more films made that tell the truth about [how] we were lied into invading Iraq, using torture to get the false confessions to justify those lies?"

PeaceTeam have made that movie, and called it "The Last War Crime".

For some reason that is impossible to comprehend, whereas "Zero Dark Thirty" was nominated for multiple Oscars, "The Last War Crime" is finding it near-impossible to get screenings from our wonderful distribution system.
"There is one and only one thing that will stop this . . . and that is for those who HAVE tortured, and masterminded torture, to be held accountable for the war crimes they have committed."

PeaceTeam want your support to get the film shown in more places than trendy-liberal San Francisco.  How about Your Town?

You can request a screening by submitting this form:  You can also see excerpts from the movie - "The Last War Crime film, the movie that will end torture."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information, we are going to try to get a group together to see this
