Friday, May 31, 2013

Yes, Mom, we are all crazy

Woke up early this morning, and looked at the Channel 5 News.

People in FIVE different US States are being warned to prepare for possibly devastating, extreme tornado weather. Global warming is definitely a liberal hoax.

The Powerhouse Fire is burning outside Los Angeles, sending a menacing glow high into the night sky. Firefighters are waiting to see what happens when the early-morning winds pick up, possibly picking up glowing embers and scattering them, who knows where? Global warming is definitely a liberal hoax.

And get this – a large proportion of LA's electricity supply comes through wires from the Central California Valley, passing straight through where the fire may burn. The DWP has been able to divert some of that power through different routes, but there is a chance that parts of the city may be left without power. We are making very slow progress towards the use of renewable energy, hampered at every turn by bureaucrats, legislators and Big Power Companies. Global warming is definitely a liberal hoax.

Fracking for oil and petroleum gas, and incidentally poisoning our air and water supply, is going on apace. Soon those people in LA won't need electric power: they'll be able to see by putting a match to the kitchen faucet. Global warming is definitely a liberal hoax.

On Link TV last night, there was a documentary about the Oil Boom, this time in Texas. The bright-eyed, articulate man who is in charge of enforcing regulations and deciding on who gets permits to drill and frack in the Lone Star Loony-Bin, spoke very well, even enthusiastically. The high price of fuel now means that it's profitable to open up all kinds of new (and old) wells. He said pretty soon, with the great new technologies we've developed (aka Fracking), we'll be producing enough oil and gas here at home, that we won't need to police the shipping lanes to protect our oil tankers, and we won't need to buy oil from (quote), “countries that wish us harm”.

No doubt there will be an enormous Peace Dividend for us all (see Ronald Reagan, greatest President ever known).

By the way - global warming is definitely a liberal hoax. Wonder who it was that informed us of the fact?

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