Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kshama Sawant and Political Tactics

A very interesting article by Dominic Holden of "The Stranger", seemingly a professionally put-together Blog from Seattle, lays out the conventional political wisdom of how Kshama Sawant will inevitably shoot herself in the foot when her abrasive Socialist shit hits the fan of the City Council's cosy, long-established Democratic majority.  

Then he moves on, halfway through the article, to a new approach.  How can you dislike a writer who says "Everything I have written so far is sort of true, but it's also bullshit."?

I love it!  Read on....

"Everything I have written so far is sort of true, but it's also bullshit. That framing is designed to put Sawant on the defensive, and it assumes that Sawant must behave like a "Seattle Nice" politician. It's also questionable to criticize a woman politician for being aggressive—men don't generally get that treatment (McGinn notwithstanding).
"We did not run this campaign to be yet another cog in the machine but with slightly shinier moral credentials," says Sawant. "We are here to make real change happen in a highly unequal society in which a tiny elite holds the power, so clearly you cannot be worried about them being against you, because they are going to be."
If she only holds rallies and refuses to work with her colleagues, yes, that's also a problem. However, she hasn't even been sworn in.
What should be offensive to Seattle is not rough language. It should be offensive if some folks attempt to undermine a candidate—and the voters who elected her—before her first day on the job."

The whole article is here.  It's a goodie....

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