Thursday, November 21, 2013

Today's Interesting Links, 11/21/13

Harry Reid and the Dimmocratic leaders have finally, as Jon Stewart would say, grown a pair!  They can now put reasonable judges on benches with 51 votes in the Senate.

What a concept!  (I believe it's called er..... democracy?)

(The mechanism in question was a party-line vote to change the rule on the filibuster.)

Of course it doesn't apply to that running sore on our society known as the Supreme Court, busy as we speak on their task of selling off more of our election process in 
McCutcheon v. FEC.

Senator Elizabeth Warren on the growing Social Security crisis:

"A generation ago, middle class families could put away enough money during their working years to make it through their later years with dignity. But since that time, the retirement landscape has shifted dramatically against our families.

A third of working families on the verge of retirement have no savings of any kind. Another third have total savings less than their annual income. Just as people need to rely more than ever on pensions, employers have replaced guaranteed retirement income with 401(k) plans that leave retirees at the mercy of the market. And 44 million workers don't even have access to that sort of plan.

Add all of this up, and we're left with a retirement crisis – a crisis that is as real and as frightening as any policy problem facing the United States today.

Social Security is incredibly effective, it is incredibly popular, and the calls for strengthening it are growing louder every day. Will you join our national pledge to protect Social Security?"

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