Wednesday, April 3, 2013

All You Fascists Bound to Lose....

I was trawling around the Internet, as you do - came across this great tribute to the mighty working-class-hero folksinger, Woody Guthrie:

Woodie Guthrie, forerunner of the 60s folk revival (which happily, is quietly continuing) - playing his trademark "This Machine Kills Fascists" Geetar.

This is just a tad out-of-date, as it was published by the estimable Locust Fork News-Journal on what would have been Woody Guthrie's 99th birthday, August 18th, 2012 - but it's valuable, nonetheless - and fun!

The Blog asks "What Would Woody Guthrie Think of America On His 99th Birthday?" and has some pungent thoughts on the subject: 

"Would he be proud we elected our first ever African-American president in 2008? Would he be appalled that these fake revolutionaries flying under a tea party banner would be about to overturn that election with a river of dirty money and a pack of lies? Would he be engaged in the movement to highlight the 99% vs. the 1%?

You bet ya!"

[Apologies:  I've been having a hell of a time getting to post a video of  Woody to this blog - technology screws us again!  However, you can see a cool historic video from the 1940s, by following this link to the wonderfully-named Un-American Bandstand:]


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