Friday, April 26, 2013

The Fight for your Social Security......

.... continues to gather momentum.

Here's the petition that Congressman Alan Grayson and other Reps are sending around.  It's simple and to the point - blunt even, which is appropriate.

Petition: "We Are Against Any and Every Cut to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Not today, not tomorrow, and not ever. No way, no how. Not on your life, and certainly not on mine. N-E-V-E-R. Sincerely, The American People"

As of 10.16 pm Friday, 2,368,239 citizens have signed the petition.  By tomorrow it may well be 3 million!

Grayson says "35 members of Congress have pledged to vote against legislation that cuts Social Security, Medicaid or Medicare benefits."

As always, he summarises the situation succinctly:  "Every few years, Wall Street Republicans come up with some new scheme to gut these programs. These attempts have always failed, because the voters shout out "NO," in big capital letters. So this time, the bad guys are changing their strategy - they are going to float out vague concepts like "entitlement reform" in the media, and then at the very last minute present an up-or-down vote on vicious cuts, while screaming that the end of the world is nigh. That way, Republicans can pretend that we simply have no choice but to cut these popular programs, without ever having to confess publicly that they are in favor of these cuts.

We, The People are going to have to work hard to prevent this. And we can't afford to wait until the last minute, so we're going to short-circuit this malevolent process now. The way to do that is to get politicians on record right now against cuts. But I can't do it alone; I need you to help me. What I need you to do is simple. E-mail your member of Congress asking whether he or she supports a cut in the cost-of-living increase for Social Security and veterans benefits. Then send me the response, so I can make it public. Over time, we'll compile a list of members of Congress and where they stand on these programs. Then, when the crisis moment of "you must vote for this or the world ends" comes, we'll be ready. We can then say, "You already promised your constituents you'd vote NO."

We've set up a website that allows you to ask your Member of Congress where they stand on cutting cost-of-living benefits.

So let's get your Member of Congress on the record. Click here:
In a week or so, we'll circle back with you and ask you to share with us the information you received from your Member of Congress. If he or she hasn't sent you anything, we want to know that as well.

Social Security is a promise, an obligation from all of us to all of us. Let's make sure that your Member of Congress sees it that way."

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