Monday, April 29, 2013

The Google Test - Don't Panic!!

I'm not giving up the Blog - though I'm most grateful for the concern!

The "Google Test" started when I first posted a screed on the Beat Hotel. 

I was trying to find out whether Google's pageview count, etc, made any sense. So I wrote that I wanted "to see how many people read this post - or more to the point, whether Google's software succeeded in counting them properly.  There have supposedly been 18 new views of the Blog since I posted this about 10 pm California time, yet Google claims only 2 people looked at this post.

"I think they're fucked up.  If you want to confirm that, please email me at and say you read it.  If more than 2 people did, then we have our proof."

All I meant to say thereafter, was that the test was over.  NOT that I was giving up blogging!  Blogging is a gas - kind of like having one's own newspaper.  Especially since the numbers of readers seems to be climbing, which is really very pleasing!  On Saturday we almost broke a century, with Google claiming 96 pageviews - thanks very much, all!

Thanks to the 3 people who sent regrets for the premature burial of the Blog; it's actually only been running since January.  I'm still not quite happy with the layout - would rather allow people to choose from a menu of topics - and there are quite a few other changes in layout I'd like to do, but haven't yet been able to figure out how.

And, as you gathered, I'm not impressed with Google's counting software.  They say the Blog has no Followers, though I know there are at least 3.

I may later move the Blog to another provider, but do not fear, we won't lose touch with each other!

Peace and Love, all!


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh..... switch over to Wordpress Richard, it's much more accurate on 'followers' and 'views'.
