Wendy Davis, Texas's glamorous, pink-sneakered, Olympic Filibusterer has announced that she will run for Governor of Texas, following in the admirable footsteps of Ann Richards....
Ann Richards ran well, but did the Harley?
The Daily Kos this morning brought us the
"... huge news from Texas—Wendy Davis just announced her campaign for governor.
Can you chip in $3 to help elect a pro-choice Democrat the next governor of Texas?
Over 76,000 Daily Kos community members signed the petition to draft Wendy Davis for governor. This afternoon, she finally announced that yes, she is taking the plunge.
Let's be clear from the very start: This won't be an easy battle. This is Texas, after all. The state has the lowest voter participation in the country, and you know who those non-voters are: young voters, Latinos, Asians, African Americans, single women—the very people that Democrats depend on to win. As I'm fond of saying, if our voters turn out, we win.
Wendy Davis could be the person to activate our core voters, accelerating the demographic trends that will eventually make Texas purple, and then blue, whether Republicans like it or not.
But that won’t happen without the grassroots.
Turn Texas Blue: Chip in $3 now.
Keep fighting,
Markos MoulitsasFounder and Publisher, Daily Kos"
Now the Daily Kos is a good source, and I often enjoy what they have to say, but I'm not advocating giving your hard-earned cash to the Dimmocrats - that's for you to decide, bearing in mind that John Stone-Face Kerry is at this very moment visiting Asia to sell a Corporate "Trade Deal" that has been described as "NAFTA on steroids", and Obama today achieves the landmark moment of having presided over the deportation of more illegal immigrants than his unspeakable predecessor G.W. Bush.
(Figure given on "Democracy Now".)
The "Washington Post" immediately commented that Wendy Davis will not win. Why the hell they say that I don't know, bearing in mind that, first, Davis is charismatic, good-looking and a heroine to women for her stand (literally) on Reproductive Freedom in the benighted State. Second, Texas had a very popular and successful woman Governor in Ann Richards, who was defeated in 1994 by W., (probably after a "recount", I don't know.)
Ann Richards QUOTE: "I get a lot of cracks about my hair, mostly from men who don't have any."
But the main reason I think Davis might have a good chance is that elections in this democracy are decided by who turns out. With her face-recognition, feminist street-cred, and probable appeal to the young and ethnic minorities, she might do very well indeed.
And that's the lesson for the Dimms. The reason that they got their asses handed to them in 2010, and possibly the reason we have this Tea Party nightmare in the House right now, is that President Backbone has failed, over and over and over, to live up to the promises he made in his campaigns, to bring us "Hope and Change".
What the students, the women, the progressives, and the ethnic minorities meant by Change, and what they thought Obama meant, was breaking the chains that tie our Government to Big Business, serving the People not the Bankers, the 99% not the 1%, taking care of "Us" not "Them".
If the Dimms would just find the guts to make that their guiding principle, they could be in power for a century. Maybe standing up for Obamacare, and taking a first timid step towards a basic service that Britain (to name but one) has had since 1949, will prove to be a turning-point.
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