Saturday, October 5, 2013

Whatever Happened To HMO's?

I was lying awake last night, thinking about how the wheels of progress run so slowly, and there is probably already a generation of young adults who don't remember Michael Moore's brilliant dissection of the American Medical Industry, "Sicko", made in 2007.

And then I thought about HMO's.  For those young adults we're thinking about - and I met one recently who didn't see why she should be asked to contribute to the care of those who didn't bother to get Insurance - HMO stands for "Health Maintenance Organization".

In "Sicko", the invalid referred to is America and its Health Care system. In that film , Moore examines how HMO's work, and how they came to exist.

Here's the clip - don't miss Nixon's eyelids as he assures us how he wants every American to have good healthcare!

As we watch the Tea Party's Government Shut Down in action, refusing to countenance the notion of Health Care for All - it's good to be reminded of what the issue is.  And have you noticed how, since "Sicko" came out, we don't hear the phrase "HMO" any more?

For an overview of this brilliant wake-up call Documentary, here's the Trailer -

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